lauantai 14. toukokuuta 2016

Our exchange student Amanda


Name: Amanda Phillips
Birthday: August 28th
Horoscope: Virgo
Home Country: USA
Eye Color: Brown
Shoe size: 37
Favorite Clothes:
Favorite Food: My favorite Finnish food is laskiaispulla, but my favorite food back home is pasta.
Favorite Colour: Red
Hobbies: Dance, guitar, & aviation
Best finnish word: söpö

  1. How you decide to come Finland?  I really didn’t mind where I went as long as I was able to travel abroad. I did love the idea of a new environment though, which is why I put down Scandinavian countries; they’re the complete opposite of home.
  2. What different is school here in Loimaa and school in home? Back home, my school has 2,500 students, whereas here, lukio has about 10x less. School is a lot more independent here, but the teachers are more involved. In Florida, we don’t talk to our teachers besides in the classroom and we never meet all the students in our graduating class.
  3. Do you like to be here in finland? Yes, of course, I love it!
  4. Do you have hobbies? While I’m here, I am dancing and playing guitar.
  5. What you had seen in here? And where have you visit? I’ve traveled through a lot of Finland already. So far, I’ve been to Lapland, Tampere, Turku, Helsinki, and many other smaller towns across Southern Finland.
  6. Are you missing home? I don’t miss home as much as I thought I would, but I definitely miss my friends and family.
  7. What was your first  Finnish word?  I first learned the basics but the first real phrase I remember learning was “Haluatko kahvia vai teeta?”.
  8. What is your favorite thing here in Finland, are you gonna miss it? I’ll miss the cold weather and the snow for sure, I’ve always wanted to experience living in the cold, I’ll also miss having so much independence, and the people I’ve met here.
  9. What you don’t miss? I don’t miss all the restrictions from back home, it’s nice to have freedom away from my hometown for a while.

Tell us about you finnish exchange friends and things that you have experienced together.The other exchange students in Finland are one of the best things about my exchange. They’re exhilarating and spontaneous and we’re all a lot alike. My friends come from all around the world: Mexico, France, Italy, Japan, Brazil, and so many other countries, yet, we all have so much in common and are always sharing our cultures with one another. We all hope to visit one another one day after exchange, but for now we’re all just enjoying Finland together.

Salla Eskelinen 2A ja Alina Suonpää 2C

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